About Me

So far my explorations have ranged from cities to national parks to historical landmarks. Left to right: Chicago (Sears Tower), Canada (Jasper National Park), Guatemala (Tikal).
So far my explorations have ranged from cities to national parks to historical landmarks. Left to right: Chicago (Sears Tower), Canada (Jasper National Park), Guatemala (Tikal).

Who am I? The answer depends on how metaphysical you want me to get.

(Just kidding, I’m a journalist. We’re very literal people).

I’m Diana. Hi! I’m a freshman in college with a bordering-on-unhealthy curiosity towards the world around me (unhealthy because it sometimes overrides my common sense, though I’m working on improving that). I committed to the University of Southern California (FIGHT ON, TROJANS) with the purpose of studying Print and Digital Journalism, but I realized as soon as I got here that I was also thrilled to find myself in a dynamic, multifaceted city with an endless supply of things to do and places to explore.

The (to-be) alma mater. Fight on, indeed.
The (to-be) alma mater. Fight on, indeed.

I’m originally from the California Bay Area, so since moving to LA in mid-August I’ve had to adjust to the lack of hipster culture and the oppressive smog (although I’m not sure anyone can truly adjust to that. I’ll be craving nature for a while). I think that it’s difficult to describe a personality in a matter of sentences, which is why so many people (myself included) convey who they are by what they like and what they do. I’m a journalist with an everlasting love of the written word; a runner with a preference for half-marathons and trail runs; a reader with an appreciation for true crime, travel writing, and classic dystopia; a cat lover with (you guessed it) a love of cats. I guess I’m a blogger now, too. I’ll see where that takes me.

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